
  • Wake – $75.00
  • Pavilion – $175.00

Hours of operation are 9am to 9pm


Rental – Rental of the pavilion is for the date and time on the contract and does not include any other part of the club premises.  The balance of the bill must be paid at the conclusion of the affair ($35 SERVICE CHARGE ON DISHONORED CHECKS).

Bar Facilities – 

    • Bar facilities is the responsibility of the Gabelsville Athletic Association.
    • All bar supplies are included in the rental fee.
  • All beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic must be purchased through the Gabelsville Athletic Association.
  • Bar prices are set by the Gabelsville Athletic Association.
  • The renter may request a specific variety of liquor stock to be ordered on a prearranged basis.  The requested liquor must be pre-paid by renter a week before the event.  The renter will not receive a refund for unused portion nor will they receive the unused portion. 
  • All bar revenues will be retained by the Gabelsville Athletic Association.

Decorating – 

  • The hall may be accessed for decorating purposes before the start time on the day of the event providing there is no other booking on that day.  This must be approved by the Social Hall Coordinator.
  • Only masking tape may be used to hang decorations.  
  • No confetti or glitter may be used.  
  • No open flame devices, including candles, are to be used (Sterno™ is approved for use for catering only).
  • Wheeled platforms for the chairs can and will be provided for use if/when needed.

Guests – 

  • It shall be strictly understood that NO ONE under the age of 21 years WILL PARTAKE OF ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.  Pennsylvania Law prohibits the sale, consumption, or transportation of alcoholic beverages by a minor.  Any person(s) who disregards this warning will be prosecuted by law!  IT IS THE CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENFORCE THIS LAW.  
  • Parents shall be responsible for the behavior of their children at all times.


Vacating – The hall must be vacated within 30 minutes following the finish of the event.  All tables and chairs must be left clean, this includes removing all decorations, tape, and table coverings.  All decorations must be removed and properly discarded at the end of the event.